
This document describes Affixtm Bluetooth Protocol stack for Linux developed in Nokia Research Center at Mobile Networks Lab and released under GPL.

While we believe that Affix is a useful piece of software, please bear in mind that it is not an official Nokia product, but a result of the research activity of Nokia Research Center. For further details, please read the files README, COPYING and LEGAL in the tar archive.

The purpose of this document is to give a user advanced information about the Affix Bluetooth Protocol Stack for Linux.

1. Revision history

2. Contact information

Public mailing lists:

3. Acknowledgements

First of all, I would like to thank Nokia Research Center and Mobile Network Laboratory for funding a project and Jari Juopperi and Asko Vilavaara for supporting and promoting it.

Also I would like to thank all these people helping to develop, test, maintain Affix:

Jakub Pavelek <>
- Major Affix Tester
- iPaq & Zaurus
- Affix Frontend Environment developer

Imre Deak <>
- USB Driver. Profiles. Testing. Fixes.

Guruprasad Krishnamurthy <>
- Original SDP implementation.

Manel Guerrero Zapata <>
- Some coding and fixes in the SDP client.

Muller Ulrich <> (from Bonn university/Germany)
- PAN profile implementation for NOBLIN (kernel 2.2.x Affix version)

Nicolas Delest <>
- PAN porting to Affix

Andrei Emeltchenko <>
- Hardware List maintenance

Marcel Holtmann <>
- bluecard_cs and bt3c_cs drivers.

Johan Hedberg <>
- Compaq iPAQ stuff.
- Testing.

Mario Joussen <>
- debian packages maintainer

Mitja Pufic <>
- RPM packages

Christoph Scholz <>
Felix Leder <>
Wolfgang Hansmann <>
- Etherreal Affix patch
- Bug reports and fixes
- PAN fixes

Albert Rybalkin <>
- Author of bt950uart_cs driver.

Miklos Quartus <>
- WEB design

I would like to thank as well all people who use Affix and gives feedback helping to make it more powerful and robust.

4. Terms and Abbreviations