

btsrv.conf -- Affix ''super-server'' (btsrv) configuration file


Upon execution, btsrv reads its configuration from a configuration file, which, by default, is /etc/affix/btsrv.conf. It contains various configuration entries. Comments are denoted by a '#' at any place of the line.

Each entry is represented in XML style and starts with element <entryname> and ends with element </entryname>. Starting element can have attributes. Each entry has certain parameters depending on the semantic of the entry. Currently two entries are defined in configuration file: service and device.

service entry contains parameters related to the service and has the following syntax:

<service name>
      param2; param3
      param4 arg1, arg2, .., argn
      param5 arg1 arg2 .. argn
Different parameters can be placed on the same line and separated by a semicolon. Each parameter can have arguments followed by a parameter and can be separated by a comma or white space.

Service entry has the following parameters:

Device entry contains parameter related to device configuration and has the following syntax:

<device ifname>
      param2; param3
      param4 arg1, arg2, .., argn
      param5 arg1 arg2 .. argn
Different parameters can be placed on the same line and separated by a semicolon. Each parameter can have arguments followed by a parameter and can be separated by a comma or white space.

Service entry has the following parameters:


The following example shows how to configure service and device bt0.

<service "Serial Port">
       profile    SerialPort;
       provider   "Nokia";
       descript   "Serial Port Profile";
       security   open
       class      information networking;
       flags      tty;
       exec       "/etc/affix/serial %l %i %a %c";

<device bt0>
       name       "Selma"
       class      computer handheld, information, audio, networking, transfer;
       scan       disc, conn
       security   service
       role       allow, slave
       pkt_type DM1, DH1, DM3, DH3, DM5, DH5