Starting from version 3.0.0 Affix supports Linux kernel version 2.6 and above. These installation instructions applies to Affix 3.0.0 and later installed on Debian (sarge).
Basic Affix setup includes Bluetooth protocol stack (kernel part) and the management utilities. These two parts are installed separately. To use Affix you have to have the following packages installed:
affix-kernel-<version>: This contains the kernel part and it should be installed first.
openobex-1.0.1: Install this if you are going to use OBEX profile. You can download the sources from
affix-<version>: the sources for the end user utilities.
devfsd: This allows you access device file system (/dev/). This is highly recommended.
Also check that the following packets are installed to your system if you use PCMCIA Bluetooth card.
pcmcia-cs : PCMCIA device manager
Check that your system uses yenta_socket. As root give command
cat /etc/default/pcmcia
This should show line "PCIC=yenta_socket". If not change the line as stated and check that your kernel has yenta support compiled as a module.
If you use Bluetooth USB stick the following package is recommended.
hotplug: hot-plugging support for USB devices
You have to configure you kernel before you can start installing Affix kernel module. To configure your kernel directory and use command make menuconfig to configure your kernel. Then,
disable "Bluetooth support" (Bluez) support on Networking support page
disable "USB Bluetooth TTY support" on USB support page
enable support for USB devices
enable support for PCMCIA device
enable yenta_socket support
enable support hot plug devices
enable DEVFS device file system. This is highly recommended.
enamble support for PPP
To configure a Personal Area Network (PAN) you have to enable the following features under Device Drivers->Networking support->Networking options->Network packet filtering->IP:Netfilter Configuration
Iptables support
Full NAT
Read more about configuring PAN in chapter Chapter 4. After all configuration is done compile and install your kernel. Now you are ready to start installing Affix.