Use this command to establish and manage Personal Area Network (PAN) connection. In a simple PAN called piconet is one network access point (NAP) and from one to seven PAN users (PANU). Piconets can be joined and this is called scatternet. Network access point might have also connection to LAN or Internet and it share this connection with PANUs acting as a gateway.
btpan accepts one option:
-s, --nospd Connect remote host directly without sending a SDP request to it first.
Initializes the host. A host has two roles: network access point and PAN user. Give this as a parameter. Keywords are "nap" and "panu". Role can be also defined in configuration file /etc/affix/affix.conf file. Edit the configuration file also to enable or disable automatic PAN setup on boot.
When PAN is initialized ifconfig command shows PAN interface named pan0 (if only one interface).
Search for PAN hosts in your neighborhood. Service is one of the following keywords: NAP or PANU. SDP is used to discover hosts. To be discovered a host must have SDP server (btsrv) running.
Establish a PAN. Address is the remote Bluetooth device's address. If the remote host is not running Service Discovery Server (SDP) server use option -s to prevent SDP query, which would fail.
Set protocol or multicast filter settings of your Bluetooth device. This allows the saving of the network bandwidth. After the interface name give whether 'm' or 'p' to add multicast or protocol filter respectively. This is followed by a set of accepted ranges. If no range is given the filter is reset to default.
For example if someone in the network is multicasting video. It is good idea to configure NAP so that video is not sent to Bluetooth devices to save the piconets bandwidth. See the examples below how to set filters.
You can find list of protocol types at
Multicast addresses for IPv4 are listed at (IPv4) (IPv6) (IPv6)