Affixtm is a Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux developed ad Nokia Research Center in Helsinki, Finland. It is a replacement for Bluez that is is included in the kernel by default.
This manual is intended to the end users that wish to use Affixtm with their Bluetooth equipment. Here you find instructions for Affix installation and using Affix administration utilities. In the beginning the Bluetooth technology will be shortly introduced to help you to understand what you are doing. After the survey to Bluetooth the affix installation will be covered. Chapters three and four introduces couple of Bluetooth configurations. You will be shown how to create a LAN connection between two computers over a Bluetooth link and how to use your computer with some other Bluetooth devices like mobile phone or a head set.
Using Affix does not assume programming or deep Linux hacking, but some experience or basic knowledge about configuring and compiling the kernel is needed. I hope you have nice time with your Bluetooth devices and Affix!