2.2. Installing Affix kernel

Download latest affix-kernel package from http://affix.sourceforge.net/. Then log into your computer as root.

  1. Unpack the package to the /usr/src/ directory.

    tar xvfz -C /usr/src affix-kernel-<version>

  2. Configure Affix modules. Change to Affix kernel root directory and give command

    make config

    Answer the questions according to your hardware and system configuration. Check that the kernel directory is correct. In protocol section choose the protocols you are planning to use. If your device support Bluetooth 1.2 you should say "yes" to "BLUETOOTH 1.2 support". Do not enable debugging if you do not need it.

  3. Compile Affix

    make all

  4. Install Affix

    make install

Note! If you reinstall your kernel modules you have to also install Affix modules again (see point four above).